Young People and the Lord Buddha
In recent years, a new generation of young people has started to wonder why Buddhists highly regard the Lord Buddha to be the greatest sanctuary, although he was only human
Paknam Bhasicharoen Temple arranged the ceremony of packing the relics of the Lord Buddha
Paknam Bhasicharoen Temple arranged the ceremony of packing the relics of the Lord Buddha since the abbot's Birthday Anniversary
Wat Phra Dhammakaya DC Arranged the Ceremonies of Offering Sustenance to the Lord Buddha and Magha Puja Day
The Morning Alms Offering to 1,000,000 Monks to worship the Lord Buddha as the Anniversary of His Enlightenment Day
The Morning Alms Offering to 1,000,000 Monks to worship the Lord Buddha and celebrate the Anniversary of the Lord Buddha’s 2,600th Enlightenment Day.
The limitless virtues of the Lord Buddha
Dhamma For People :- The limitless virtues of the Lord Buddha
The Biography of the Lord Buddha ; e-book available
The Biography of the Lord Buddha
Overview #1
After the Enlightenment which transformed Siddhattha Gotama into the Lord Buddha beneath the Bodhi tree on the banks of the River Neranjara
Merit from Offering Drinking Water to the Lord Buddha
Dhamma for People. Merit from offering drinking water to the Lord Buddha.
Wat Phra Dhammakaya arranged Magha Puaja Day 2014
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Arranged the Ceremonies of Offering Sustenance to the Lord Buddha and Magha Puja Day
The 7th V-Star Day
The 7th V-Star Day to celebrate the 2,600th Anniversary of the Enlightenment of the Lord Buddha on Saturday December 8th, 2012. V-Star children - You are the youth leaders of the World Morality Restoration!!